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Opinion: Another Example of Why You Should Protect Your Sensitive Files with DRM

This week, we learned that a draft document repealing the precedent set by Roe v. Wade, penned by Supreme Court Justice Alito, was leaked to the press.

Regardless of where your politics lie or what you think about abortion, I think we can all agree that the leaking of a draft opinion from the nation's highest court should never happen.

There were obviously massive security failures for this leak to occur, and this is why we feel that the only real way to protect sensitive PDF files is by using PDF DRM technology.

Let's see how this could have played out had Justice Alito protected his draft with All-About-PDF's DRM technology before sharing it.

First, whoever leaked the document would not have been able to print the file or take a screengrab of it. Second, the Judge could have added an expiration date to limit the document's lifespan to just a few hours. Finally, he could have limited access to the draft by specifying the email addresses of every person who was allowed to view it. In doing so, he could easily track down who leaked the document.

How many times are sensitive documents going to get leaked into the wrong hands before we learn that the PDF format on its own is not secure enough?

Don't be the next victim of having your sensitive information leaked without your consent; get All-About-PDF today!