Rotate PDF Pages

The January 2021 release of All-About-PDF has added the ability to rotate your PDF document pages to any orientation you desire. Here is how to rotate the pages of a PDF document:

How to rotate a PDF document pages
  1. If you haven't already, download and install All-About-PDF from here

  2. Open All-About-PDF and click on the Rotate PDF button

  3. Select the PDF you would like to process. If you would to process multiple documents at once, you can use wild card notation for the file name e.g. Invoice*.pdf to select all PDF files starting with Invoice

  4. A preview of the first page of the document will be loaded for your inspection

  5. Use the LEFT and RIGHT buttons to rotate the pages

  6. If you only want to rotate specific pages, you can specify the page ranges in the field provided e.g. to only rotate pages 1 through 5, specify 1-5

  7. Click the GO button to process the PDF. The resulting file will be saved with “_rotated.pdf” appended to the file name.

To get started with rotating PDF documents and more, download All-About-PDF today!