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Have We Had Enough Of Subscriptions?

This article on talks about how nearly half of US consumers are frustrated by subscription services and I couldn’t agree more.

One of the main reasons I decided to create All-About-PDF as a desktop application with a perpetual license model (pay once and you own the software forever) was that when I tried to find a tool to merge PDF files offline, the majority of options that were available were offered as subscription services.

Nearly half (47%) of U.S. consumers say they’re frustrated by the growing number of subscriptions and services required to watch what they want, according to the 13th edition of Deloitte’s annual Digital Media Trends survey. An even bigger pet peeve: 57% said they’re frustrated when content vanishes because rights to their favorite TV shows or movies have expired.

Even though most subscription services appear to be priced low, the mounting number of subscriptions that we or our business have to pay for on a monthly basis can easily add up to hundreds of dollars. A wise man once said:

Take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves

Read the full article here.