pdf processor

How To Edit PDF Properties

When you view a PDF document, you can get information about it, such as the Author, Title, Date Created, Subject, and Keywords. Some of these properties are set by the person that created the document, and the PDF application generates others.

You can view these properties in applications such as Adobe Acrobat by selecting Properties from the File menu.

You will likely notice that when you view these properties in most applications, they are all read-only and therefore cannot be modified.

So how do you modify some or all of these PDF properties? Even more important is how do you change these properties for multiple PDF documents? With All-About-PDF, it couldn’t be simpler!

Editing PDF properties is a simple task with All-About-PDF

Say, for example, we have 100 PDF documents that we would like to change the document's Author, Date Created, and Producer properties. 

  1. First, make sure that you have downloaded and installed the latest version of All-About-PDF.

  2. Open the application from the Windows Start menu and click on the Attributes button.

  3. From the Attributes window, select the PDF file that you would like to edit. We want to process multiple documents; therefore, we will change the file name to use a wildcard notation (e.g. *.pdf).

  4. You can specify the Output folder where the processed documents will be saved.

  5. Select the Author, Producer, and Date Created checkboxes and enter the values we want to set them to.

  6. Hit the Go button to begin processing the PDF documents

  7. In a few seconds, All-About-PDF will update the selected PDF document properties to your specified values.

Have you ever needed to update the properties of your PDF documents? Download All-About-PDF today and give this a try! 

Top 5 Ways All-About-PDF Can Help Organize Your Tax Documents

If you are in the United States, then you probably know that tax season is just around the corner if not already underway. Its that time of year where we have to show and prove to Uncle Sam how much money we made (or lost as the case may be) last year.

Depending on your situation, this process can mean downloading mortgage statements from your bank, W2s from your employer, 1099s from wherever they usually live and more.

Woman doing her taxes at her computer

These documents are of course all in the ubiquitous PDF format and also contain varying levels of personal and confidential information.

I am yet to meet a person that enjoys the process of preparing taxes so here are 5 ways All-About-PDF can help organize your documents prior to sending them to your accountant.

  1. Merge The PDF Documents: instead of sending or uploading all these files to your accountant in a piecemeal fashion, merge them all together into a single PDF document with a table of contents using All-About-PDF so that your accountant knows exactly where what is located.

  2. Split Out or Delete The Unnecessary Pages: In some cases, you don't need to send your entire document to your accountant as all the information they require is on a single page. Use All-About-PDF to split your PDF to keep only the pages you would like to send to them.

  3. Redact/Find-Replace Information: If there is information in the documents that you would rather not send to your accountant, use All-About-PDF's Redact or Find-Replace feature to remove or obscure specific words from your documents.

  4. Compress PDF Documents: Once you have organized and merged your PDF files together, you will likely find that the file size is on the larger side. All-About-PDF's compress PDF feature can help you reduce the size of the document back to a more manageable size so that you can easily email it to your accountant.

  5. Password Protect Documents: Last but definitely not least, protect your private information by adding a password to your PDF(s) so that only your accountant has access (be sure to send the password in a separate email from the document(s))

  6. (Bonus) Set PDF Expiry: whilst not applicable in most tax situations, you can still use All-About-PDF to not only set your PDF documents to expire after a certain date but also to ensure that the documents can only be viewed in a certain country or domain.

What other ways has All-About-PDF helped you process your PDF files? Drop us a mention on Twitter @allaboutpdf.

If you haven’t tried All-About-PDF yet, there is no time like the present. Hit the button below to download it now!